Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on January 24th, 1963
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on January 24th, 1963
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on January 24th, 1963

Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on January 24th, 1963

Physical Object

28 x 21.5cm, 11 x 8.5. Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on January 24th, 1963 at Club Sirocco. A sports program in Greece was funded, the Truman debate was settled in a 15-1 vote in favour of funding the statue, and a statement to encourage brother Ahepans to support each others businesses. Elections were held with little change, and new members were initiated.

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GHPM (source)