Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968

Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968

Physical Object

28 x 21.5cm, 11 x 8.5. Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA held on October 6th, 1968 at the residence of John Harris. The annual affair was planned in detail for November 10th, 1968, annual dues were debated, and 25 year pins were discussed.

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GHPM (source)