Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA and Chapter #265 of the Daughters of Penelope held on March 4th, 1973
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA and Chapter #265 of the Daughters of Penelope held on March 4th, 1973
Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA and Chapter #265 of the Daughters of Penelope held on March 4th, 1973

Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA and Chapter #265 of the Daughters of Penelope held on March 4th, 1973

Physical Object

28 x 21.5cm, 11 x 8.5. Minutes for the regular meeting of the Victory Chapter No. C.J. 16 of the Order of AHEPA and Chapter #265 of the Daughters of Penelope held on March 4th, 1973 at the Crest Motor Inn on 455 Belleville Street. Debate arose over the possibility of a live orchestra at the Independence Day affair, and the Victory Chapter pledged support to the Daughters of Penelope, who were struggling to maintain membership.

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GHPM (source)